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Upcoming events

    • February 15, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • New Life Bible Fellowship 4900 W. Cortaro Farms Rd & Pinal Airpark Range 2 24641 E Pinal Airpark Road, Red Rock
    • 6

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course
    • February 22, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Antioch Phoenix 1125 N Dobson Rd, Chandler, AZ
    • 1

    Tactical Decision Making merely refers to decisions made for short-time span goals. This course focuses on those decisions made under time constraints, where discretionary time is not available. The focus is on the high-risk/criticality/liability, low-frequency events that are typified by the use of force.

    Participants will review use-of-force concepts, observe videos of previous incidents, learn to avoid the traps of poor decision making, apply the priorities of life, and make appropriate decisions based on the situation presented. 

    This course includes the use of video simulation and live action roleplaying in a variety of incidents. 

    • February 28, 2025
    • March 01, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • New Life Bible Fellowship 4900 W Cortaro Farms Rd, Tucson & Pinal Air Park Range 2 4641 E Pinal Airpark Rd, Red Rock,
    • 22

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course

    • February 28, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Christ Community Church 530 S Pantano Rd Tucson, AZ

    Join us for our monthly AZCSN Lunch and Learn. This event is open to all church leadership and safety / security team members. 

    This month we will focus on the use-of-force. Understanding and being able to apply the appropriate amount of force in a given situation is essential for safety/security team members. This course reviews the Arizona Revised Statutes Title 13, Chapter 4 Justifications otherwise known as self-defense laws and statutes related to arrest by a private person. Different use-of-force continuums will be explored and their application to real world situations will be explained. Participants will be equipped to understand, articulate and defend their use-of-force decisions. 

    • March 01, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 511 S St Phillips St, Payson, AZ

    Situational Awareness (SA) in its simplest form is knowing what is going on around us.  This course focuses on building situational awareness in everyday settings. Learn to develop a healthy awareness of what is taking place around you. This course will focus on teaching you ways you can increase your attention to people, location features, and problems you may need to address.  You will be given opportunities to practice awareness skills, allowing you to identify threats earlier and select from your predetermined plan, how you will respond in a specific situation.  

    Verbal De-escalation techniques are used when a person is becoming disruptive in an inappropriate location and time. This could be during a church service, in a classroom, an office or other non church related locations. You will learn how to identify warning signs that can lead to a crisis incident. Assess risk and use verbal techniques to defuse situations before they become violent. Use disengagement skills to avoid or minimize injury and keep yourself, your congregation and others safe.

    • March 03, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Reveal Vineyard 13015 W Greenway Rd, El Mirage, AZ 85335

    AZCSN meets the first Monday of the month at Reveal Vineyard in Surprise. Our monthly meetings include an opportunity to meet and fellowship with other safety and security ministry volunteers, a training session on a different topic each month, and time to share updates and questions about church safety.

    This month we will focus on Fire Response and Fire Extinguisher Use. 

    Ensuring your church has functioning fire alarm and evacuation plans is crucial in the event of a structure fire. How do you evacuate people in a safe manner? What should you anticipate in the event of a fire. Learn how to determine whether a fire is small enough to extinguish with a fire extinguisher. Learn the difference between various types of fire extinguishers. Prevent additional fires through removing potential fuel. Participants will have the opportunity to use a fire extinguisher. 

    • March 06, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Church for the Nations 6225 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012
    • 97

    AZCSN meets the first Thursday of the month at Church for the Nations in Phoenix. Our monthly meetings include an opportunity to meet and fellowship with other safety and security ministry volunteers, a training session on a different topic each month, and time to share updates and questions about church safety.

    This month we will focus on Fire Response and Fire Extinguisher Use.

    Ensuring your church has functioning fire alarm and evacuation plans is crucial in the event of a structure fire. How do you evacuate people in a safe manner? What should you anticipate in the event of a fire. Learn how to determine whether a fire is small enough to extinguish with a fire extinguisher. Learn the difference between various types of fire extinguishers. Prevent additional fires through removing potential fuel. Participants will have the opportunity to use a fire extinguisher. 

    • March 07, 2025
    • March 08, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility Berger High Power Building & Pistol Range 4
    • 17

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course

    • March 07, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • First Southern Baptist Church of Tucson 445 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85705

    Join us for the first in a series of training events focused on security awareness for Houses of Worship. These events are provided by a partnership between Infragard and AZCSN. 

    Workshop Schedule

    8:45-9:00am Check in

    9:00-9:15 Introductions

    9:15-10:45am Recognizing the Terrorism Attack Cycle

    The Introduction to the Terrorist Attack Cycle introduces common steps involved in planning and executing terrorist attacks and other active violence. This course provides participants with the understanding of how to prevent, protect against, respond to, and mitigate attacks. 

    10:45-11:00am break

    11:00am-12:15pm Threats Against Houses of Worship

    The threats facing Houses of Worship in the United States have begun to shift. This session explores recent threats against houses of worship, including specific examination of potential incidents. 

    12:15-1:00pm Networking & Lunch on site included

    1:00-2:30 Safety & Security Team Ministry Development

    With the increasing cultural shift of intolerance towards Christian beliefs, Christians, and places of worship, it is imperative to be prepared to address the variety of safety issues that comes with this intolerance. Also, places of worship are not immune from random criminal acts such as property crimes, theft, or violence towards a congregation member or visitor. This session will help guide the participant through the extensive process of developing a safety & security ministry from the ground up, by discussing a variety of topics that must be considered and/or implemented to develop an effective ministry.  

    2:30-3:00pm Q & A Panel

    • March 10, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • ONE Community Church 240 North Highway 90 Bypass Sierra Vista, AZ.

    We meet the second Monday of the month from 6:00-8:00pm at ONE Community Church 240 North Highway 90 Bypass Sierra Vista, AZ. 

    This month we will focus on Fire Response and Fire Extinguisher Use.

    Ensuring your church has functioning fire alarm and evacuation plans is crucial in the event of a structure fire. How do you evacuate people in a safe manner? What should you anticipate in the event of a fire. Learn how to determine whether a fire is small enough to extinguish with a fire extinguisher. Learn the difference between various types of fire extinguishers. Prevent additional fires through removing potential fuel. Participants will have the opportunity to use a fire extinguisher. 

    • March 15, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix
    • 16

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course

    • March 22, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
    • Reveal Vineyard Church 13015 W Greenway Rd, El Mirage, AZ 85335

    Keynote Presentations:

    The Reality of Evil presented by Christopher Taylor, M.Div. 

    Choose from numerous breakout sessions...

    Critical Incident Recovery Planning presented by Christopher Taylor

    Essential Tasks: Developing an Organizational Plan presented by Brian Kowalski

    Explosive Threat Mitigation presented by Phil Pinkus

    Mental Preparation for Conflict presented by Brian Kowalski

    Safety and Security Ministry Team Development- presented by Steve Lyons

    Suicide Recognition & Response presented by John McGrath

    Tactical Medical Decision Making in the Church Security Environment Part 1 presented by Dr. Patrick Boyle

    Tactical Medical Decision Making in the Church Security Environment Part 2 presented by Dr. Patrick Boyle

    Threat Assessment and Management: Mitigating Foreseeable Violence Risks presented by John McGrath

    Verbal De-Escalation presented by Amy Lyons

    What Does the Bible Teach About Self Defense? presented by Christopher Taylor

    More Breakout sessions will be added once speakers are confirmed!

    Add Deep Dive Friday (Additional Fee Applies)

    Morning Sessions 8:00am-12:00pm

    NRA Range Safety Officer Training Part 1 (must take part 2) presented by Debbie Kowalski

    Situational Awareness for Teams presented by Brian Kowalski

    Essential Medical Skills for Church Security presented by Dr. Patrick Boyle

    Afternoon Sessions 1:00-5:00pm

    Introduction to Impact Weapons (expandable baton) presented by Christopher Taylor

    Judicious Use of Force presented by John McGrath 

    NRA Range Safety Officer Training Part 2 (must take part1) presented by Debbie Kowalski 

    * Schedule, Session Topics and Speakers are subject to change. 

    • March 28, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Christ Community Church 530 S Pantano Rd Tucson, AZ

    Join us for our monthly AZCSN Lunch and Learn. This event is open to all church leadership and safety / security team members. 

    This month we will focus on Fire Response and Fire Extinguisher Use.

    Ensuring your church has functioning fire alarm and evacuation plans is crucial in the event of a structure fire. How do you evacuate people in a safe manner? What should you anticipate in the event of a fire. Learn how to determine whether a fire is small enough to extinguish with a fire extinguisher. Learn the difference between various types of fire extinguishers. Prevent additional fires through removing potential fuel. Participants will have the opportunity to use a fire extinguisher. 

    • April 03, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Church for the Nations 6225 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012
    • 97

    AZCSN meets the first Thursday of the month at Church for the Nations in Phoenix. Our monthly meetings include an opportunity to meet and fellowship with other safety and security ministry volunteers, a training session on a different topic each month, and time to share updates and questions about church safety.

    This month we will focus on Emergency First Aid Fundamentals Part One.

    This course includes basic first aid and lifesaving techniques to be used in the event of a medical emergency.

    You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as compromised airway, broken bones, burns, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more. This course also includes CPR and AED use. 

    • April 03, 2025
    • April 05, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • CDO Bible Church 9200 N. Oracle Rd. Tucson and Pinal Airpark 24641 E Pinal Airpark Road, Red Rock
    • 24

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course
    • April 05, 2025
    • April 06, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ

    USCCA Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals - Certified Instructor

    Registration is available through the USCCA website at https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/firearms-training/instructors/arizona-instructors/arizona-church-security-network-llc-2623022/phoenix-az-concealed-carry-home-defense-fundamentals-certified-instructor-d2c6e/

    What You'll Learn

    Take your Firearms Training Business to the next level by becoming a USCCA Certified Instructor today! With the USCCA’s Certified Instructor courses, you’ll gain all the knowledge, tools, and materials you need to be a valuable resource in your community - providing industry-leading instruction for concealed carry and self-defense scenarios.

    Now is the time to step up and arm others with practical, real-world training they can’t find anywhere else.

    What We'll Teach

    Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals - Certified Instructor

    Upon successfully completing this course, you will become a USCCA Certified Instructor uniquely authorized to teach the USCCA course, Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.

    This course has become the nation’s leading curriculum for law-abiding Americans seeking to obtain their concealed carry permit. When it comes to firearms fundamentals and concealed carry and home defense concepts, you will provide your students with high-quality material and help them understand the ‘why’ behind training concepts.

    Class Preparation: You must complete the corresponding online learning course. (Automatically sent to you upon registering for the class.)

    Day 1: you’ll be taught by a USCCA Training Counselor on a number of valuable topics including:

    • Top ten instructor mistakes and how to avoid them
    • Teaching best practices
    • Running a safe live fire range

    Day 2: You’ll have a chance to:

    • Demonstrate your knowledge of the USCCA training material through seven short presentations to a group of your peers
    • Run a live fire range, guiding your peers through the safe completion of the USCCA course of fire

    By combining the knowledge of the USCCA and your passion for training more responsibly armed Americans, you can be assured that you’ve found the instructor certification for you.

    Additional Notes from Your Instructor

    Instructor Certification: Please acknowledge that this class does require participation to pass. Being present does not guarantee that you will leave with a USCCA Instructor Certificate. If you attend the course and do not receive certification, refunds will not be given.

    • April 07, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Reveal Vineyard 13015 W Greenway Rd, El Mirage, AZ 85335

    AZCSN meets the first Monday of the month at Reveal Vineyard in Surprise. Our monthly meetings include an opportunity to meet and fellowship with other safety and security ministry volunteers, a training session on a different topic each month, and time to share updates and questions about church safety.

    This month we will focus on Emergency First Aid Fundamentals Part One.

    This course includes basic first aid and lifesaving techniques to be used in the event of a medical emergency.

    You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as compromised airway, broken bones, burns, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more. This course also includes CPR and AED use. 

    • April 11, 2025
    • April 12, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility Activity Center 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix
    • 19

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course

    • April 11, 2025
    • April 12, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Mojave Sportsmans Club ​& Journey Church 3782 N Bank St Kingman &
    • 16

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 250-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course

    • April 12, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • New Life Bible Fellowship 4900 W. Cortaro Farms Rd & Pinal Airpark Range 1 24641 E Pinal Airpark Road, Red Rock
    • 24

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course
    • April 14, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • ONE Community Church 240 North Highway 90 Bypass Sierra Vista, AZ.

    We meet the second Monday of the month from 6:00-8:00pm at ONE Community Church 240 North Highway 90 Bypass Sierra Vista, AZ. 

    This month we will focus on Emergency First Aid Fundamentals Part One.

    This course includes basic first aid and lifesaving techniques to be used in the event of a medical emergency.

    You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as compromised airway, broken bones, burns, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more. This course also includes CPR and AED use. 

    • April 25, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Christ Community Church 530 S Pantano Rd Tucson, AZ

    Join us for our monthly AZCSN Lunch and Learn. This event is open to all church leadership and safety / security team members. 

    This month we will focus on Emergency First Aid Fundamentals Part One.

    This course includes basic first aid and lifesaving techniques to be used in the event of a medical emergency.

    You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as compromised airway, broken bones, burns, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more. This course also includes CPR and AED use. 

    • April 26, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility Practical Pistol E 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix
    • 11

    Pistol optics: Red dots can be a significant advantage for new shooters as well as a major enhancement for the experienced marksman. However, they have their own limitations and learning curve, especially if the shooter wants to exceed plinking and look at serious defensive situations. 

    This class will examine the hardware, but will spend most of its time looking at the software: the methods of use.  We will establish zero, look at rapid dot acquisition, move from an iron “front sight” focus into a more practical threat focus, study manipulations and more.

    Requirements:Practical Pistol/AZCSN Armed Guard, or the approval of the instructor. AZCSN Intermediate Pistol strongly recommended.  Duty pistol with red dot (limited rentals available), 3 magazines minimum, 300 rounds of training ammunition PLUS 25 ROUNDS CARRY AMMUNITION.

    • May 01, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Church for the Nations 6225 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012
    • 98

    AZCSN meets the first Thursday of the month at Church for the Nations in Phoenix. Our monthly meetings include an opportunity to meet and fellowship with other safety and security ministry volunteers, a training session on a different topic each month, and time to share updates and questions about church safety.

    This month we will focus on Emergency First Aid Fundamentals Part Two.

    This course includes basic first aid and lifesaving techniques to be used in the event of a medical emergency.

    You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as compromised airway, broken bones, burns, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more. This course also includes CPR and AED use. 

    • May 03, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Lifehouse Church 1136 Taylor Drive Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

    This six-hour course is designed to educate the public on how they can mitigate the loss of life if they find themselves in a violent intruder incident. The goal of I LIVED training is for participants to recognize the need for immediate response to these types of incidents, recognize ways they may intervene, and empower them to make a difference in the event.

    • May 05, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Reveal Vineyard 13015 W Greenway Rd, El Mirage, AZ 85335

    AZCSN meets the first Monday of the month at Reveal Vineyard in Surprise. Our monthly meetings include an opportunity to meet and fellowship with other safety and security ministry volunteers, a training session on a different topic each month, and time to share updates and questions about church safety.

    This month we will focus on Emergency First Aid Fundamentals Part Two.

    This course includes basic first aid and lifesaving techniques to be used in the event of a medical emergency.

    You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as compromised airway, broken bones, burns, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more. This course also includes CPR and AED use. 

    • May 10, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility DPS Building & Range 4044 W. Black Canyon Blvd. Phoenix, Arizona 85086
    • 10

    This is an 8 hour introductory pistol class, includes four hours in the classroom focused on understanding of safety, function and use of the pistol. This will be done with safe, laser firing teaching replicas. This will be followed by four hours at the range, where the participants will put their new knowledge to use. Training will be in a safe and supportive environment.

    • May 10, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility AZDPS Building & DPS Range 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix
    • 17

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course

    • May 12, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • ONE Community Church 240 North Highway 90 Bypass Sierra Vista, AZ.

    We meet the second Monday of the month from 6:00-8:00pm at ONE Community Church 240 North Highway 90 Bypass Sierra Vista, AZ. 

    This month we will focus on Emergency First Aid Fundamentals Part Two.

    This course includes basic first aid and lifesaving techniques to be used in the event of a medical emergency.

    You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as compromised airway, broken bones, burns, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more. This course also includes CPR and AED use. 

    • May 23, 2025
    • May 24, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility Rifle Range 2 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix

    Practical carbine examines the use of the carbine in an urban/home environment. While focusing on the AR platform, other weapons such as the AK and various bullpups are also welcome. We will be working to achieve quick hits on silhouette targets at home and parking lot distances. While useful equipment add-ons will be discussed, this is primarily a skills-oriented course.


    Needed Equipment:

    *Rifle, zeroed at 50 yards. We will confirm zero/zero as needed, but drills are more profitable tools.

    *Red dot, LVPO, or similar optics are permitted but not required.

    *Sling, ideally 2-point

    *Minimum of 3x 20- or 30- round magazines

    *Method of carrying 3 magazines on one's person. Pockets are acceptable.

    *Minimum of 300 rounds range ammunition. (NO M885/SS109/”Green Tip”/7N6 or similar penetrator ammunition permitted)

    *Pistol with holster, 3 magazines, and 50 rounds of range ammunition. Appendix is acceptable, but is going to be uncomfortable. SERPA holsters are PROHIBITED.

    *Knee/elbow pads as desired.

    *Shooting mat. A Harbor Freight moving blanket is acceptable—the ground is going to be cold.

    *Clothing and personal items suitable for the weather.

    *The usual eye/ear protection and other range gear.

    • May 23, 2025
    • May 24, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Ben Avery Shooting Facility Berger High Power Building 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix
    • 19

    Topics Include:

    -Safe Firearm Handling & Storage          -Weapon Care and Maintenance

    -Weapon Manipulation                            -Mental Conditioning & Tactics

    -Firearm and Equipment Selection         -Defensive Measures

    -Weapon Retention                                 -Use-of-Force  

    -Ammunition Types                                 -Survival Mindset

    -Home Safety                                          -Confrontation Aftermath

    -Law & Legal                                           -Threat Recognition

    -Firearm Presentation                             -Balancing Accuracy & Marksmanship

    -Weapon Malfunctions                            -Written Exam & Range Qualification

    Required Equipment:

    Semi-automatic pistol in .38 special, 9mm, 357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or .45 GAP
    Minimum trigger pull to be no less than four pounds (more is acceptable, less is not)
    Sturdy strong side holster
    Sturdy belt (double thick 1.75” is recommended)
    Three magazines minimum (more are better)
    Magazine pouch with a minimum capacity to hold two or more magazines securely
    Minimum of 200-rounds of practice ammunition that match your pistols caliber
    Eye protection (safety rated sunglasses if it is sunny and clear safety rated glasses if it is not sunny)
    Hearing protection (plugs and electronic muffs combined is recommended)
    Brimmed hat
    Long sleeve shirt that closes at the top to keep hot ejected shell casings out
    Long pants (cargo style is best to keep loose ammunition in to top off magazines between stages)
    Closed toe shoes
    Lots of water


    An unteachable spirit
    Handguns in calibers not listed above
    Cross draw, shoulder, purse, backpack or bag holsters
    Holsters that require the index finger of the shooting hand to release any retention devices (Serpa style holsters)
    Holsters that require two hands to safely re-holster
    Holsters worn in any manner in which they were not originally intended
    Any equipment considered by the Range Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers to be dangerous
    Students instructing other students unless requested to do by the Range Instructor as part of the course

    • May 30, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Christ Community Church 530 S Pantano Rd Tucson, AZ