This course is designed for those who have completed AZ Armed Security Guard Training or AZCSN Basic Pistol. This course builds on the skills learned in prior courses including:
-Participants will begin to develop single-handed presentation and marksmanship skills.
-Participants will continue to develop firearm safety while integrating movement and practicing the firearms safety rules.
-Participants will understand and demonstrate after action responses including problem solving, awareness, and potential need for self care.
-Participants will engage threats with dominant hand only and support hand only firearms use.
-Participants will analyze their shot groupings on the target to identify if they need to slow down or increase speed to arrive at a safe, accurate, speed to engage a threat in a defensive situation.
-Participants will manage ammo and clearing malfunctions under pressure
Call Us
Office: (520) 904-6925
Offices & Store:
7030 E Old Vail Road
Building B
Tucson, AZ 85756
Mailing Address:
PO Box 18152