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Biblical Basis for Church Security

What do the Scriptures teach about physical security and security teams? Can individuals and groups use force? Is self-defense Biblical? Join us as we examine the Scriptural answers to these questions and more!

Chris has over twenty years’ experience working in the criminal justice system and campus security. He founded the Arizona Church Security Network in March of 2017 after being called and recognizing the need to network, train, and support church security teams. He founded and continues to lead the security ministry at Christ Community Church of Tucson in Arizona. He currently serves as the chairman of the Southern Arizona Community Organizations Active in Disaster. He has previously served on the Board of Directors of the Arizona Rangers and Arizona Crime Prevention Association. He is an integrated Community Solutions to Active Violence Events (ICSAVE) contributing member and instructor. He served fourteen years in full-time ministry at Christ Community Church of Tucson. 

He holds a B.S. in Criminal Justice Administration, M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed. in Special Education, and M.Div. in Church Ministries. He is recognized as an International Crime Prevention Specialist, Certified CARVER Assessment Professional, and holds the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Professional Designation. He has completed the Force Science Institute’s Realistic De-Escalation Instructor course, Methods of Instructions for Training Practical Police Skills Course, and is a Certified Force Science Analyst. He is a Certified Massad Ayoob Group Deadly Force Instructor and graduate of the Law of Self-Defense Instructor Program. He holds numerous instructor certifications from several professional training organizations. 

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