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Our Purpose

Provide training, services and support to assist churches in developing and maintaining a security program and security team to create a safe environment at their facilities. We provide skilled, experienced instructors, programs and training resources that will empower your church organization to develop a security program/ security team. These services we provided to the faith-based community are supported by a foundation of biblical principles.

A Biblical Approach

How is a church to prevent and respond to the various safety and security concerns of this age? The Arizona Church Security Network follows a two-pronged approach found within the Scriptures.

"And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night." Nehemiah 4:9


We provide monthly opportunities to meet in person in both Southern Arizona and the Phoenix Metro Regions. The first Thursday of the month the Phoenix Metro Region meets at Church for the Nations at 6:00pm. The last Friday of the month the Southern Region meets at Christ Community Church of Tucson at noon for a Lunch & Learn. These opportunities allow church safety and security team members to share information, best practices and learn about a different topic each month. These meeting are open to anyone serving in Faith Based Organization or their churches ministries regardless of AZCSN membership.

We encourage members to share incident information with each other and the network. The network distributes person-of-interest information to its Shepherd members as it is received.

  Professional Training

  The greatest mistakes that people make in a crisis come from not knowing what steps to      take and in what order to take them in a given situation. We offer over thirty-five different    courses, taught by our professional instructors, ranging from the Biblical Basis for Church    to Security, to Family Emergency Preparedness, I LIVED Civilian Response to Active         Attackers, and Arizona Armed Security instruction. 

Assessment and Planning

We understand safety and security in churches and other ministries is unique in several ways.  We will work with your church to customize an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that meets     the needs of your ministry while providing for the safety of your staff, members, visitors, and children. Our team is also able to assist you in development of safety and security policies and procedures, and examination of threats and risks your organization may encounter.    

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